Come 2019, Mike decided to start giving SEO more attention and started putting more money into it.
If there was one keyword that he wanted UltimateTax to rank for, it was “professional tax software.”
UltimateTax is a professional tax software company. So ranking for that keyword would bring home the bacon.
The only problem was, that keyword has intense competition. To win it, UltimateTax needed the help of The Gallas Company.
So we took on the challenge. We worked tirelessly to create a page that would depose UltimateTax’s competition and take the top spot.
And after pouring so much effort into it, UltimateTax eventually won “professional tax software.”
The results were dramatic.
Everyone that searched for professional tax software ended up at UltimateTax’s website.
This brought a flood of new leads and a flood of new sales.
For the first time, UltimateTax was generating so many leads without having to fly across the country!
It was so effective, they were getting fresh leads even during the offseason!
But the real test came when the coronavirus arrived in the United States.
Trade shows were canceled, and tax preparation businesses were in a tough, tough spot.
But UltimateTax?
Business was booming.
SEO kept them busy all throughout the year.
From a business perspective, they were not worried about the pandemic at all.